
Promote nutrient efficiency in-furrow and as a foliar with potassium and the right mix of micronutrients.

Expand-K harnesses soluble, available potassium and the right mix of micronutrients, including manganese (0.30%) and zinc (1.90%), which are key for plant growth. Expand-K helps prevent these micronutrients from being tied up in the soil, allowing for a faster start and higher yield potential for your crops. Expand-K also reduces phosphorus tie-up, increases nutrient availability and enhances nutrient uptake as a foliar spray.

Features and Benefits

  • Regulates plant absorption of water & nutrients
  • Strengthens stress tolerance of the plant
  • Adds stalk-building nutrients to a foliar spray
  • Increases yield potential through higher photosynthesis rate

Use Rates

  • At-Planting, Pre-Plant, or Early In-Season: 2-6 qt/A
  • Early/Late Foliar with Crop Protection Products: 1-6 qt/A

For information only. Not a label. Prior to use, always read and follow the product label directions. Not all products registered in all states.